
Are You Doing TOO Many HIIT Workouts?

Fitness Education

Are You Doing TOO Many HIIT Workouts?
Fitness EducationHealth Information
May 5
At this point, most of us know what HIIT is, but for those who do not HIIT (or High Intensity Interval Training) is a method of training that involves spiking your heart rate into 80-90% your maximum heart rate followed by small rest intervals (30-45 seconds).


While this style has grown in popularity over the years, during the COVID 19 pandemic, people are practicing HIIT in alarming amounts. Which is why we present the question…at what point are we doing too much HIIT?


New studies indicate that 90-minutes per week of HIIT training is where you see maximum benefits. This was accomplished by using 3-5 intervals of 4 to 8 minutes followed by 3-5 minutes of rest.  The maximum length of each workout would be 30~ minutes. This format leads to improved cardiovascular health, strength gains, and overall better health. Adversely, those participating in 45 minutes or longer HIIT sessions saw deterioration after just two weeks. Why?


Simply put, too much HIIT can stress the body and disrupt the metabolism. Recent studies show that those participating in more than 90-minutes per week started to see adverse effects. This includes decreased metabolic performance, less stable blood sugar, as well as markers of oxidative stress – a type of cell damage linked to health risks like chronic illness and premature aging, as well as short-term symptoms like fatigue and inflammation.


This isn’t to say to stop doing HIIT completely, however, getting back to the basics both as trainers and clients will go a long way for long-term health. Bringing back strength training and considering mixing in supersets and small conditioning windows will increase the benefits of a balanced program.
