
A Smart Start to Your New Year: Uncovering the Secret to Upholding Your Resolutions

Fitness Education, Health Information

As the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns a fresh page, the air is filled with the promise of new beginnings and the determination to make positive changes. For many, the dawn of a new year marks the (re)initiation of fitness resolutions – those bold declarations to sculpt a healthier, more vibrant version of oneself.

We’re sure you’ve heard that statistics have shown the road to success in these aspirations is often chock-full of obstacles, that a vast majority of health and fitness resolutions are abandoned by mid-February, and that folks are at a loss for motivation until the next New Year’s resolutions.

You don’t have to be a part of those statistics.

As a seasoned personal training company run by real people, we understand the challenges that often shadow over these well-intentioned resolutions and are here to shed light on the key to your goal results and long lasting success: SMART Goals. Because when we work smarter, our resolutions seem far less harder.

SMART is an acronym with 5 pillars that, when incorporated into goal-setting, dramatically increase the likelihood of success in your New Year’s resolutions.

1. Specific – Rather than general resolutions like “get fit” or “lose weight,” specify your objectives. For example, aim to hit 5,000 steps per day, lose 10 pounds, or workout for 3 days per week. These types of goals give you something to aim for.

2. Measurable – Find a way to track progress. By keeping track of how you’re improving, you can see if changes need to be made or if you’re heeded in the right direction. Do you have a way to count your steps? Do you have a calendar where you can mark your workouts and look back to see your progress? This knowledge lends you information to help stay on top of things and confidence that will keep you progressing towards your resolutions.

3. Achievable – We respect your lofty goals, we have them too! This just may not be the right time for them. Setting unachievable goals can lead to frustration and discouragement, resulting in you shying away from your fitness resolution and we don’t want that! So, ensure your goals are challenging, yet within reasonable reach, and use them as stepping stones to your loftier ones. Maybe your goal is walking 10,000 steps per day, but you don’t get more than 1,000 in right now. Start by aiming for 2,500 per day and work your way up from there.

4. Relevant –  Align your fitness goals with some of your life goals. The more relevant they are to your overall well-being, the more likely you are to stay committed. We all love knocking out two birds with one stone! For example, if you have a goal of less screen time, having a resolution of taking more steps per day can get you outside and off of your phone.

5. Time-bound –  Having a realistic time frame for accomplishing your goals not only provides a sense of urgency but also allows for easy reassessment and adjustment to keep moving forward. For example, you likely won’t be able to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but you’re far more likely to lose 10 pounds in 2 months.

With these pillars in mind, take a moment to write down a SMART resolution for your new year. Writing something down solidifies it in your mind and gives you a place to reference it later when your brain gets a bit too busy.

Now that we’ve rediscovered the SMART principles and written down a goal of our own, let’s explore how incorporating a well-thought-out plan can boost your benefits:

Clarity and Focus – A clear plan helps you stay focused on the specific actions needed to achieve your goals, providing a roadmap for your success.

Under your New Year’s resolution, write a few specific action items that will help form your map. 

This can look like: signing up for a gym or personal trainer, waking up earlier in the day to get 30 minutes of movement in, taking a walk during your lunch break.

Motivation and Accountability – Breaking down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks creates a series of mini-milestones. Each milestone you pass boosts motivation, and your SMART roadmap keeps you accountable for knowing when you have or haven’t made progress towards your resolution.

Take a look at those action items from the last step. Can you break them down into smaller actions? 

These can look like: setting aside time to look into what gym or training company you’d like to choose, deciding what days of the week you’re going to get in that 30 minutes and what actions you need to take the night before to get you there, or deciding your lunchtime walking route.

Adaptability – As you know, life is dynamic, and obstacles are constant. A detailed plan allows for flexibility, making it easier to adjust to unforeseen challenges without letting little slips become big slides off of the right track.

A detailed plan requires scheduling, so let’s take a look at your calendar.  Are there days you can mark down that will for sure work for the gym, for your morning workout, or your lunch walk?

Progress Tracking – We all love to see our progress, it can give us a great boost of motivation, especially in the new year! Knowing what actions you’re going to take on what days in your roadmap (calendar) enables you to regularly review and adjust to adapt to the obstacles life throws at you, while celebrating your successes.

Allot 15 minutes every two weeks where you can sit down and evaluate your progress. This way you always know how you’re doing on your fitness resolution and get more reasons to celebrate!

We know that just choosing a New Year’s resolution is hard enough, and that making SMART Goals and a plan that keeps you on track with them is daunting and time consuming. That’s why our Klasik Fit Coaches create a 6 Week Plan, based on SMART Goals, during every member’s first session. So you walk out of your first hour knowing exactly where you’re headed: to achieve your fitness resolutions and long lasting results. Here’s to your fit and fabulous new year!

Our Klasik Fit Fam is dedicated to guiding you through your resolutions, no matter what they may be or where you may be, ensuring that your resolutions are not just aspirations but achievable, lasting results. 

To ensure ample opportunity for all, we have a FREE Get to Know You Call with our owner, Lauren, to answer any questions you may have, as well as a $95 $40 Introductory Session where you walk out with your roadmap to success.
